About Us
The Port Coquitlam Daycare Society was established on May 5, 1975, to provide child care services for parents and children residing in Port Coquitlam. Our centre is a non-profit, charitable organization registered under the B.C. Societies Act located. We are in the Meridian Village housing complex, which is owned and operated by the Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation.
The goal of the society is to develop and deliver an integrated and comprehensive continuum of childcare services that reflect family and community values and needs by providing childcare programs which:
•Are of exemplary quality and reflect the best available knowledge of early childhood development.
•Reflect the diversity of the community, are culturally competent, and include children who require a range of support.
•Are accessible, affordable, and flexible.
•Provide administrative and financial accountability, and long- term financial viability.
•Provide a supportive working environment.
•Support unique programs and facilities that operate in a manner which is consistent with the society's overall goals and objectives.
Our philosophy is based on the knowledge that children learn through play. The environment is thoughtfully set up with many success-oriented opportunities to encourage growth of the “whole child” through art, science, literature, music and free play. The program is designed so the children will have many different positive experiences. Each child will have the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, mentally, and physically in a safe, inclusive, happy, and natural environment.
We strive to increase each child’s natural curiosity about the world around them and we model how to be environmentally responsible. The program reflects a natural setting to play in and explore. It includes plants, natural materials, and resources with an emphasis on recycling and resourcefulness. We take a collaborative approach within our centre and welcome everyone’s input and ideas to continue to promote environmental education for children.
We encourage autonomy, self-confidence, and responsibility by instilling problem solving skills, modelling independence, and encouraging individuality. We acknowledge the children’s accomplishments and always validate the child’s emotions. Doing this, shows the children that they are smart, they are unique, and they are important!

Our Programs
Daycare 1 - 25 licensed group child care spaces for children 2.5 years to 5 years old
Daycare 2 - 20 licensed group child care spaces for children 2.5 years to 5 years old
Daycare 3 - 8 licensed multi-age spaces for children 2 years to 5 years old
School Age Care - 20 licensed group child care spaces for children 5 to 10 years old

Daycare 1 - 7:15 am - 5:15 pm
Daycare 2 - 9:00 am - 2:30 pm - September to June
Daycare 3 - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
School Age Care - 7:00 am - 8:45 am & 2:45 pm - 5:15 pm
# 50 - 3150 Coast Meridian Road - Port Coquitlam